General Advice for the UWC Interview


 Here are some valuable tips that you need to know during the uwc interview:
'Be yourself'! I know you must have heard this before; being honest when writing the application and during the uwc interview reflects your honesty and is an advantage
Image result for be yourself
It is strongly recommended that the applicant does not memorise answers; be natural and extremely confident about your responses at the uwc interview
3. Questions of the interview are completely based on your application, thus reading your application several times can help!Image result for dr seuss the more you read4. A common question asked in UWC interviews is "why do you want to study in this particular UWC? Again, tell the interviewers the honest reason!Image result for honesty is the best policy5. Never show that you have lost your confidence in the interview! Interviewers try their best to skylark with applicants! (this is majorly to test their patience and to investigate the way in which they handle conflicts. 6. Only apply to a UWC if you have a genuine desire to make a positive impact over the world!7. Try your best to link what you have written in the application at relevant intervals during the uwc interview.
8. Try to express yourself as good as possible by using body language.
9. Make careful choices of the college preferences! You must have a genuine desire to attend a uwc.10. Participate extensively in team games and group discussions.11. Add a lot of humour to your speech!Image result for humour12. Socialize with other applicants; this boosts your confidence and makes you feel more comfortable.Image result for socialise13. Describe your answers in the interview; be fluent and refrain from losing confidence.14. If you want to see our attempt to capture the characteristics of an ideal candidate, go here.15. Start the application when it is available in August; early submissions are highly recommended.16. If possible, try to attend a UWC summer school; this may boost your application!17. Be humble, polite and smile.Image result for smile18. Think that the interviews are just normal conversations; don't feel stressed up!19. Remember to keep breathing slowly and regularly.20. Be open to all UWC schools! every school has it's own different experience and speciality21. Be positive and not sceptical.Image result for be positive22. Try meditating! This is extremely powerful in calming you down.Image result for meditationAll the best applicants! :-)Here is a link.. Click to find a recount on a real life experience of a girl at the uwc selection camp!Back to Home                     Up ahead: UWC Selection camp